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    Once again. I say Hello world. It's like 4:19 am right now as I'm typing this... I just finished laying down the structure to a song that will probably be known as "For Miles" or something....It really came outta nowhere..I think it'll be a rather amazing addition to the album...Unfortunately everyone in TS is sleep right yeaah... We'll prolly hit the lab tomorrow and expand on it and see where it goes.. I'll update everyone on it. MAN! Its really powerful.... after a full day of expanding the TS crate collection with Japanese soul and Portuguese jazz.... (found a nice record spot in the northside of Atlanta) I felt real motivated. Myself and Chip have been slaving over this TBP project so we've been coolin it for the past couple days... we were chatting it up on AIM earlier...He was talking about how even with the bit of success we've seen so far there are still people that just... spew negativity our way...I mean...I don't really get it, we haven't done anything to anybody.. We lend a helping hand when we can.. its about coming up together.. if no one is going to put themselves out there then how the eff are any of us (in the world) going to make..I notice it more and more.. the more noteriety we get the less people want to help and the more people want to take.. Whether it be studio managers giving us an extra hard time cuz we put in more work than him... or rappers/managers trying to rip what we are working so hard to establish... I don't know.. it could be just that its about to be 5 and im suffering from sleep deprivation or just this song ("For Miles") envokes a lot of emotion from me. But really we are grinding here people! Just like everyone else in the world trying to make a dollar. Don't get it effed up. WE LOVE THIS! its not just about money... None of us would trade this music thing for the world. And with so much passion for this why can't we want to succeed finially off of it? I believe we more deserve it. I want our families..our people to be straight. I wanna give back.. help those that really have their heart into it. U know.. i sometimes get discouraged cuz I feel like.. music with THIS MUCH emotion...songs with THIS MUCH DEPTH?!.. how are we being looked over? We've gotten so many empty deals.. broken promises.. fake people.. its ridiculous! is the music industry really like this?? VULTURES! it makes u second guess if venutring into this business is even worth it... everyones out for you... Chip and myself talk at the studio or where ever how we just can't wait till we out on the balcony in Rome or New everything is alright. I know...I feeeel...Everything will be alright. It's just not coming fast enought for us. And yeah patience is a virtue but patience doesn't pay these bills when u get laid off from your job and labels take half a millineum to cut a check....U know? patience isn't going to make the collectors stop calling for a change... I cannot wait! for that day where I know I... Charles... Demetri... Courtney...ANY OF US! no longer have to struggle.. A great day...

    (Check out Ambers post on Paramore on her LJ - awesome semi-related post)

    and check this older interview with Kanye... speaks the truth.

    Posted by Posted by Infatron


