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    Hello world! Many of you have been asking what is up with "The Business Proposal"... WE ARE WORKING ON IT!.. Diligently!!! Haha..really tho we are working hard. Trying to make a classic for ourselves...and more importantly for the people. And YES! that is why the TS exclusive freestyles have been on hold. We are recording and re-recording and recording songs for his project. It's coming amazing! We have a thick collection of songs together but we still have a couple to make sure that the final songs we have put together are a perfect combination. I don't want to give too much info on the project but here's a little insight to the tracks we know FOR SURE will be on the album (in no final order):

    "Wake Up (Intro)"
    - we've recorded the intro like 3 times..its pretty much how we want it.. just tweaking the vocals abit

    "Made In Ital
    y" - you've all heard this song (if not its on the site..just hit up the Exclusive Songs and Freestyles link) the final album version is ILL! yep. its the beat is vamped up and its real clean.

    "TS Office
    " - aww man... this one is mean. Fly C is in official in the building on this one.

    "Elevator Skits" - these are recurring skits/songs throughout the project. They get more and more intense as they progress... Just finished mixing them down last night.

    - Mr. C shows why he is next in line on this. We decided to go back and do some more work on the beat but the vocals have been laid for the most part. Its gonna be a monster!

    "Miss Secretary
    " - couldn't leave out the ladies!! this one came together so nicely. Kinda unexpectedly but we couldn't pass on it. Chip wrote the hook. We are crafting the singer on it right now. Putting final touches on this one... Riiide

    "So Cold"
    - this one is a deeper track... Chip really shined on this one. He's on the hook. The mix on this one is sooooo banging. this is my favorite track so far on the project. "and I'm feeling so cooooooold!"

    "How Fly Is He" - YES! It hard. Club go-ers, this one is for you. It'll get stuck in your head. After like 5 different club beats we've crafted for this track we got the one that we are sure will get you moving.

    "Outro" - it's self explanatory. Beat is super ill.. I mean they all are but I knew it was classic when Chip called me up and let me peep. May go back and re-record this one..but eitherway its a coming out a beast of an outro

    now we have a crap load of other songs recorded that we aren't sure are going to make the tape yet. so I don't want to name them...and not to mention a bunch of songs we've yet to record...So YES! we are working people. And NO! We aren't really sure how many songs will be on the final product..Actually I'd say between 14-19. Its going to be so EPIC! And the freestyles WILL be coming soon once we get a few more really important songs recorded. So keep an eye out. Look out for footage too!


    Posted by Posted by Infatron
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