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    i told you i'll never leave. we are made for each other... you're were dry.. bland. i made you pop. you wouldnt be here if it wasnt for me... im the light in the dark tunnel.. the reason people look up to you.. there'd be no trackslayerz without me... no soundwave.. just silence... where did that get you? what did silence accomplish? i'd say nothing but a broken heart. and i NEVER for a thank you, any acknowledgement. just keep me here.. by your side. trust me... never have a doubt of the decisions i made for us. you can't do this without me. whether you like it or not... you can't make me go away. as much as you try.. all you're doing is slowly the progress of the inevitable... if you'd just understand and accept that i'm here... that i have this under control and all things will fall into place accordingly.. this would go a lot smoother.. we wouldn't have nights like this.. yet you fight with me every step.. look for other options out.. no one is going to help you like i can.. will... am.. i told you from the beginning.. let me handle this from here on out.. then we had a little communication breakdown at J.A.M. studios... yeah I know it was rough.. but i had to re-establish my dominance and show you that things are better this way.. and you trusted in me. DONT FLAKE ON ME NOW... fuck a personal life... it never provided for anything besides a means to take you away from me. lets be real.. if it wasnt for me, you'd probably be dead a while ago... i made you strong. and this is how you repay me? by seconid guessing us? ...ungrateful. i dont like having these moments. who would? but you must understand... i will not steer you wrong.... please just have faith in me.

    Imaginary Friend.

    Posted by Posted by Who the EFF are the TrackSlayerz?!


